产品特性:功率稳定 | 加工定制:否 | 品牌:梓冠 |
型号:ZG | 种类:光开关 | 波段范围:1550nm 1310nm |
运转方式:连续式 | 激励方式:电激励式 | 工作物质:半导体 |
光路径:透过型外光路 | 输出形式:功率型 | 传输信号:单电源型 |
速度:高速 | 通道:多通道 | 输出波长:1260-1650 1064 850nm |
Low insertion loss
Small size
Low channel crosstalk
High stability
Passive optical network
Optical protection system
Measuring system
Network monitoring
〖性能参数Performance Parameter〗
工作波长 Operating wavelength | nm | 532~980(MM) | 532~980(SM) | 1260~1620(MM) | 1260~1620(SM) |
测试波长(可选) Testing wavelength(Optional) | nm
| 650/780/850/980 | 650/780/850/980 | 1310/1490/1550/1625 | 1310/1490/1550/1653 |
插入损耗 Insertion loss | dB
| <1dB | <1.2dB | <1dB | <1.2dB |
回波损耗 Return loss | dB | SM≥50、MM≥30 | |||
信道串扰 Channel crosstalk | dB | SM≥55、MM≥35 | |||
偏振相关损耗 Polarization dependent loss | dB
| ≤0.05 | |||
波长相关损耗 Wavelength dependent loss | dB | ≤0.25 | |||
消光比 Extinction ratio | dB | ≥18 | |||
温度相关损耗 Temperature dependent loss | dB
| ≤0.25 | |||
重 复 性 Repeatability | dB | ±0.02 | |||
使用寿命 Service Time | 次 | 切换107 次后(插损≤0.7 dB)、109次后(插损≤0.9 dB)、1010次后(插损≤1.5dB) After 107 switches (Insertion loss≤0.7 dB)、After109 ( Insertion loss ≤0.9 dB)、After1010 ( Insertion loss≤1.5dB) | |||
传输光功率 Light Transmission Power | mW | ≤500 | |||
切换时间 Switching time | ms | ≤15(相邻信道切换) ≤15(Adjacent channel switching) | |||
工作温度 Operating temperature | °C
| -20~+70 | |||
储存温度 Storage temperature | °C
| -40~+85 | |||
电 源 Power supply | V
| 5 OR 12 | |||
模块外形尺寸 Module configuration dimensions | mm
| 1~25路 132x47x34 | |||
| 25~35路 146x50X53 |
〖管脚定义 Pin Definition〗
DB9针串口管脚定义如下The DB9 Pin serial port pin is defined as follows:
管脚编号 Pin number | 管脚定义 Pin Definition | 功能说明 Function description |
2 | SOUT | 串口数据发送端 Serial data transmitter |
3 | SIN | 串口数据接收端 Serial data receiver |
5 | SGND | 串口信号地 Serial signal ground |
8 | VCC | 电源正极,接DC 12/1A Power positive,connect DC 12/1A |
9 | GND | 电源负极 Power negative |
其他 Else | 悬空 Levitation |
1x4 1x8 1x16机械式光开关模块尺寸图
1x4 1x8 1x16 Dimesion of Micro-Mechanical Optic Switch Module
1x32 机械式光开关模块尺寸图
1x32 Dimesion of Micro-Mechanical Optic Switch Module